March 2007 Archives

Gabriela's Country

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Chocolate water land has rainbow
And it's very far away
So nobody can see
It's a long, long country where
my grandma lives

There are flat boats with flat people
-- everything is flat
Their hair is flat and
their crayons are flat

There are special sparkles
from the rainbow trees

-- Gabriela CloƩ 17-March-2007

At the Ale House with Gabriela

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When I ask my 3-year-old
to dictate another poem,
she says "Write your own.
That's a good way to do it."

So I grasp a purple crayon
and begin.

Zen teaches us
there is no secret
nothing is hidden
everything is It.

This moment in the neighborhood pub
The butter this child smears on her bread
This table, this paper, this crayon
is It.

-- Professor B. 18-March-2007

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This page is an archive of entries from March 2007 listed from newest to oldest.

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