You pussies!

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Al SwearengenGoddamnit I'm sick and tired of you pathetic fucking cocksuckers who fancy yourselves literati constantly holding forth about pointless shit on my fucking blog. I like to swear. I disagree with the administration's policies. For the love of christ won't you please shut the fuck up? If you don't get your useless asses over to the Gem and start drinking, gambling and buying some cunt, I'm gonna have Dan slit every one of your fucking throats for you and feed you to Wu's pigs. How would you like that?

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I'm dissappointed that the Swearingen diatribe wasn't written on my birthday, May 24th, but oh well, one can't have it all, can one? It's always fun to read headline news on one's birthday, it makes one's insignificance even more delightfully significant, no? BTW, Happy Birthday Professor B!
Regarding recent events, I simply must share a delightful tidbit that I heard issue forth from the vile mouth-shaped pit of our be-hated "president" yesterday. When asked about the replacement (read: dismissal or :end of career) of General Sanchez, overseer of operations in Iraq over the past several months, and who is also the latest scapegoat for the prison debacle, Dubya said something very close to the following, "well, he (Sanchez) has been doin' a good job for us over there, for... well... for a long time... and his work has been exemplerary (sic)."
Exemplerary. Now I do hope that's how my work will always be considered. I certainly hope you strive for exemplerary behavior too.
Just wondering: How in fucking hell did this guy get to be "president"? Doh!
Love and world peace, please.

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